Health and Comfort Privacy Curtains
X-STATIC isthe leaderin antim icrobialfabric technology& isclinicalyproven to inhibitthe growthofbacteria ontextile surfaces. X-STATIC fibersare perm anentlybonded with a layerof99.9% pure m etalic silver.X-STATIC is notnanotechnologyora com plexchem ical form ula,justsilver.Thissilverlayeristhe key to X-STATIC’spowerfulantim icrobialproperties asitcreatesan ionic shield thatperm anently inhibitsthe growth ofbacteria and fungi. Privacycurtainsm ade with X-STATIC fibersare flexible withthe naturalookand feelof traditionaltextileswhile ofering althe benefitsofpure silver.
Delivering Healthand Com fort TM
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