Health and Comfort Privacy Curtains

TraditionalCubicle Curtains Ourcubicle curtain fabric colectionsofera wide range ofstylesfrom soft and organic to bold and bright,alhave beenspecialychosento be inviting and soothing to both patientsand theirfam iles. WITHIN REACH PrivacyCurtains W ITHIN REACH Snap privacycurtainsreduce the tim e,hasle,and riskasociated with changing privacy curtains. Our standard-sized privacy panels are m anufactured to withstand industryrigorsand are safe and easyto m aintain. Disposable Cubicle Curtains Forareas that require frequent privacy curtain changes disposable privacy curtainsare a greatoption.Notonlydo theylooklike traditionalprivacycurtains, they are a costefective option when com pared with the life-cycle costof traditionalfabric curtains. NEW EverGuard W ipeable PrivacyCurtains Ourwipeable cubicle curain panelsare a greatoption forfaciltieslooking to reduce their environm ental im pact while m aintaining a safe, healthy environm ent.Theylastlonger,require les procesing,and are easilywiped clean. | 800.325.1440

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