Since 1983, Phoenix Textile Corporation has been providing healthcare textile products to long-term care, acute care, and senior living facilities. In 2000, we established Phoenix Government Services with the expressed purpose of better serving our government customers. We expanded our products and services to meet the needs of all levels of Federal, State, and Local agencies. With our experienced and dedicated Government Service Professionals, we offer sound solutions to your procurement needs.

CORE COMPETENCIES •Experts in Textile Contract Manufacturing •Warehouse Distribution with Specialized Services •Proven Long-Term Relationships •Creative Procurement Solutions for our Partners DIFFERENTIATORS •Diversity Supplier: SBA Certified WOSB •Ability One Strategic Partner •Multiple Procurement Channels •Global Distribution Capabilities PAST PERFORMANCE •CEC Contract Holder Since 2001 •Active BPA Contract Holder with NIH since 2012 •Textile Supplier to all US Military Hospitals •Leader in Sales Through Prime Vendors •Contract Supplier for all Healthcare Group Purchasing Organizations

COMPANY DATA: DUNS: 103202859 TIN# 431291118 Cage Code: 0NSE3 WOSB Certified Credit Cards and Purchase Cards Accepted CONTRACTS:


GSA: GS-07F-0103L VA : V797P-4306B DAPA: SP020004H0077 NAF: F4199903D6013

DLA CEC: SPM2D0-11-D-008 BPA: HHSN26920403000121 BPA: HHS1245201200007B

NAICS: 313210 314121 315211 315224 315239 322291 423930

313230 314129 315212 315225 315291 423220 541420

313312 315192 315223 315234 315999 423450

313241 314911 315221 315228 315292 423930 541490

313249 315191 315222 315231 315299 424340 812331

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