Kartri Blue Book Catalog
Milliken's innova�ve Signature Plus™ fabric outperforms all challengers in terms of elegance, performance, quality, durability and value. The innova�ve stain release proper�es of Signature Plus can allow you to wash at a 120° water temperature (as opposed to 160°). And you'll s�ll have the same consistent look day a�er day.
Low Minimums Required... Contact our customer service for pricing.
Linen and Napkins
TABLE LINEN On our Table Linens we back-tack and miter each corner providing style and a clean appearance in 31 possible colors. Also available in Sa�n Mul� Stripe, Sa�n Wide Band, Checkpoint and Symphony finishes. Contact a customer service rep for full details, availablity and pricing.
NAPKINS For our Napkins we use cu�ng techniques to provide for uniform and thinner corners, which prevent laundering problems. Each napkin is hand trimmed and inspected to make certain of its quality. Hemmed Napkins are lock-s�tched with four back-tacks providing extra reinforcement to each corner.
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