Patriot Fabric Privacy Curtains
Animated publication
W orking with clinicians from W ashington University in St. Louis, M isouri, Phoenix Governm entServices developed Patriotprivacy curtain fabrics,a specialty designed patern available in four soothing tones designed to prom ote naturalhealing for m any diferent conditions, especialy those sufering from PTSD. FocusingthehealingpowerofAr¥,Color,andPaŴer Advocacy Respect Excelence Integ¢it® Commitent
PhoenixGovernm entServices
t Advocacy Respect Excelence Integ¢it® Commitent
W epaired thecalm ing wavepaternand m uted colorsofPatriotwitha variety ofartwork chosen to inspire pride and prom ote the wel-being ofpatients, caregivers,and hospitalstaf. W e hope you wil be to able use these colectionstocreatecentersofcarefocused ontheHealthand Com fortofour nation’sVeterans,Service M em bers,and theirfam iles. honoringthe VA COREVALUES
800-727-3035 |
Advocacy Respect Excelence Integ¢it® Commitent
The color blue is asociated with open spaces, confidence,and stabilty.Ithascalm ing and soothing qualities and can help patients feelrelaxed and at ease with theirsuroundings. PairPatriotBlue with:
a)Patriotic Boy -000014113575 b)Field C annon -000020459073 c)Licoln M em orial-000007278390 d)Am erican Eagle -743289556
PhoenixGovernm entServices
t Advocacy Respect Excelence Integ¢it® Commitent
PatriotG reen
The color green is asociated with springtim e, freshnes, and hope. As a soothing, relaxing color,green enhances stabilty and endurance. PairPatriotG reen with: a)CavalryCharge -43822327 b)Batered Star-154478LARG E c)Patriotic Street-618961016 d)W W 2M em orial-DSC00743125
800-727-3035 |
Advocacy Respect Excelence Integ¢it® Commitent
The colortan isa verygrounded color,evoking feelingsofwarm th and reliabilty.Tan givesusa sense ofhistoryand connection.Considered a neutral,tancanbe paired asa com plem entto alm ostanyothercolor. PairPatriotTan with: a)Lincoln M em orial-0033-ZAL b)Am erican Flag in W heatField -757669045
c)CopperPennies-000006254116 d)Iw o Jim a M em orial-226937293
PhoenixGovernm entServices
t Advocacy Respect Excelence Integ¢it® Commitent
PatriotG ray
Grayisthe colorofintelectand ofcom prom ise.It'sa diplom atic color,negotiating althe distance between blackand white.In uncertain tim es,graybringsa sense oforderand calm to the world. PairPatriotG reywith:
a)Statue ofLiberty -402387037 b)Patriotic Truck-601046882 c)W orld W arIM em orial-W orld W arIM em orialDoves-ZAL
800-727-3035 |
Advocacy Respect Excelence Integ¢it® Commitent
WITHIN Reach PrivacyCurtains W ITHIN REACH snap privacy curtain’sstandard-sized privacy panelsare m anufactured to withstand industry rigorsand are safe and easy to m aintain.Sim ply unsnap and rem ove soiled panelsfor procesing and replace them with fresh panels. EVERGUARD Curtains EverGuard privacycurtainsare stain and liquid-repelant,m aking them easyto wipe clean in place. Available in 3paternsorcustom izable with anypatern,EverGuard privacycurtainswilchange the wayyou clean privacycurtains. Standard PrivacyCurtains Our privacy curtains are m ade to the highest standard with durable anti-m icrobial m esh, nickel-plated grom m ets,and reinforced banding.W e have a vastselectionofstylesand fabricsfrom which to choose and ofernationwide profesionalinstalation services. Disposable PrivacyCurtains Forareasthatrequire frequentprivacy curtain changes,disposable privacy curtainsare a great option.Notonlydo theylooklike traditionalprivacycurtains,buttheyare also a cost-efective option when com pared with the life-cycle costoftraditionalfabric curtains.
PhoenixGovernm entServices
t Advocacy Respect Excelence Integ¢it® Commitent
Ourpaneldesign and snap system worktogetherto reduce the tim e,hasle,and risk related to changing privacycurtains.Sim plyunsnap and rem ove soiled panelsfor procesing and replace with fresh panels.
No Ladders! N o M isfits! No Problem !
W ith oursnap panelsystem ,healthcare faciltiesnow have an eficientand cost efective m ethod to laundertheirprivacycurtainson a regularbasis.
800-727-3035 |
t Advocacy Respect Excelence Integ¢it® Commitent
EVERGUARD Benefits EVERGUARD fabricsfeature a plant-based, stain resistantfinish thatrepelsliquidsand m o ststa ins. Cleaninplace. EVERGUARD privacy curtain’sunique finish alowsyou to easily wipe awaym ostfluidsand stains. M ade withoutthe use ofPolyethylene or PFASchem icals, EVERGUARD privacy curtainsare launderable and recyclable. Recom m ended Disinfectants: B leach based wipes,IsopropylAlcohol70%,Lysol cleaner,spraysand wipes,O xivirCleaner and wipes,Sani-Clothwipes PasesNFPA 701. *Alcom ponentsare HealthierHospital Initiative com pliant.
Stain and liquid repelant,m aking iteasyto cleaninplace. Spend les tim e replacing soiled privacy curtainsand save m oneyonlaundering. Change the wayyoucleanprivacycurtains witha wipe. EVERGUARD privacycurtainsare engineered to resiststainsand repeliquids.
Designerinspired paternsthatare onboth sidesofthe curtain.
800-727-3035 |
Advocacy Respect Excelence Integ¢it® Commitent
Change the wayyoucleanprivacycurtainswitha wipe. EVERGUARD privacycurtain’sunique finish alowsyou to easilywipe awaym ostfluidsand stains.
PhoenixGovernm entServices
Advocacy Respect Excelence Integ¢it® Commitent
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