Patriot Fabric Privacy Curtains
Advocacy Respect Excelence Integ¢it® Commitent
WITHIN Reach PrivacyCurtains W ITHIN REACH snap privacy curtain’sstandard-sized privacy panelsare m anufactured to withstand industry rigorsand are safe and easy to m aintain.Sim ply unsnap and rem ove soiled panelsfor procesing and replace them with fresh panels. EVERGUARD Curtains EverGuard privacycurtainsare stain and liquid-repelant,m aking them easyto wipe clean in place. Available in 3paternsorcustom izable with anypatern,EverGuard privacycurtainswilchange the wayyou clean privacycurtains. Standard PrivacyCurtains Our privacy curtains are m ade to the highest standard with durable anti-m icrobial m esh, nickel-plated grom m ets,and reinforced banding.W e have a vastselectionofstylesand fabricsfrom which to choose and ofernationwide profesionalinstalation services. Disposable PrivacyCurtains Forareasthatrequire frequentprivacy curtain changes,disposable privacy curtainsare a great option.Notonlydo theylooklike traditionalprivacycurtains,buttheyare also a cost-efective option when com pared with the life-cycle costoftraditionalfabric curtains.
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