Phoenix Government Services
Animated publication TolFree:877-727-3035 govsales@ GOVERNMENTSERVICES PHOENIX
PhoenixTextile Corporation hasbeen in busines forover40yearsproviding healthcare textile productsto long-term care,acute care,and seniorliving facilties.
Overthe past25years,we have expanded ourproductsand servicesto m eetthe needsofal levelsofFederal,State,and Localagencies.Phoenixhasbeenawarded over50,000contracts with the Departm entofDefense (DOD),Departm entofVeteransAfairs(VA),Defense Health Agency(DHA),Health and Hum an Services,and Indian Health Servicessupporting m ore than 500 faciltiesin every state and atm ore than 2 dozen OCONUS countriesincluding Japan, Korea,Qatar,Germ any,PACOM .W ith ourexperienced and dedicated Governm entService Profesionals,we ofersound solutionsto yourprocurem entneeds.
COMPANYDATA: DUNS:103202859 TIN# 43-1291118
CORECOMPETENCIES • Expertsin Bedding,Tery,Apparel,M icrofiber,and JanitorialSuppliescontractm anufacturing • W arehouse Distribution with Specialized Services • Creative Procurem entSolutionsto ourPartners • FulService InteriorDesign Departm ent DIFFERENTIATO RS •Strategic Partnerwith AbiltyOne,DOD,and the VA •Dedicated Governm entServicesdivisionwith15ful tim e em ployees •InternalQ ualityControl •GlobalDistributionCapabilties PASTPERFORMANCE •DLA Troop Readines ContractHolderSince 2001 •Active BOA ContractHolderwith NIH since 2012 •Textile Supplierto alUSM iltaryHospitals •O ver50,000contractsawarded through various governm entorganizations •Active DHA Incentive Agreem ents
Cage Code:0NSE3 SBA Certified W O SB CreditCardsAccepted CONTRACTS: G SA:47Q SW A21D0026 VA M SPV:36C 24C 21A0202 VA:36F79720D0154 DAPA:SP020004H0077 NAF:F4199903D6013 DLA C EC :SPM 2D0-11-D-008 BPA:HHSN26920403000121
Bed ing-4 SurgicalLinens-7 Tery - 8 M icrofiber-9 PatientAp arel-10 Underpads-12 LaundryBags-13
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Item # 2461102 2461102-VA 2461110*
Description Unm arked Therm alBlanket VA PropertyTherm alBlanket Unm arked Therm alBlanket VA PropertyTherm alBlanket VA PropertyTherm alBlanket Heritage Therm alBlanket VA PropertyHeritage Therm alBlanket
Content 100% Coton 100% Coton 100% Coton 100% Coton 100% Coton 55/45 C ot/Poly 55/45 C ot/Poly 80/20 C ot/Poly 80/20 C ot/Poly 80/20 C ot/Poly
Color Beige Beige White White White
Size 66”x90” 66”x90” 66”x90” 66”x90” 66”x90” 74”x100” 74”x100” 72”x90” 72”x90” 72”x90”
Weight 3.0 lbs. 3.0 lbs. 3.0 lbs. 3.0 lbs. 3.0 lbs. 3.75 lbs. 3.75 lbs. 2.0 lbs. 2.0 lbs. 2.0 lbs.
2461110-VA* 2471020176* 2417411176 2417411176-VA 2241195 2241195-VA 2241110
Sea Blue Sea Blue White White Blue Stripe
Unm arked Bath Blanket VA PropertyBath Blanket Unm arked Bath Blanket
* Denotesitem scurentlyonVA-M SPV 4
Item # 4240000216* 4270034216*
Description VA PropertyPilowcase VA PropertyPilowcase Unm arked Pilowcase
Content,Threadcount 55/45 C oton/Poly,T180 55/45 C oton/Poly,T180 50/50 C oton/Poly,T180 M icrovented Cover,16oz.Fil Nylon Cover,18 oz.Fil
Color White White White White Blue
Size 42”x34” 42”x34” 42”x34” 19”x25” 19”x25”
4214234 6612095 6662096
M icrotech IPilow NightCloud Pilow
Item # 4240100216* 4240115216* 4270015216
Description VA PropertyFlatSheet,CIM VA PropertyFlatSheet,CIM VA PropertyFlatSheet Unm arked FlatSheet Unm arked FlatSheet Unm arked FlatSheet
Content,Threadcount 55/45 C oton/Poly,T180 55/45 C oton/Poly,T180 55/45 C oton/Poly,T180 50/50 C oton/Poly,T180 50/50 C oton/Poly,T180 50/50 C oton/Poly,T180
Size 66”x108” 66”x115” 66”x115” 66”x104” 66”x108” 66”x115”
4216604 4216608 4216615
GovSales @ | | 87 -727-3035
Item # 4410022176 4470022176
Description Unm arked KnitSheet VA PropertyKnitSheet Unm arked KnitSheet Unm arked KnitSheet
Content,W eight 55/45 C ot/Poly,22 oz. 55/45 C ot/Poly,22 oz. 50/50 C ot/Poly,T180 50/50 C ot/Poly,T180
Size 39”x86”x16” 39“x86”x16” 36”x80”x9” 36”x84”x9”
4213680 4213684
Content,Threadcount 50/50 C ot/Poly,T180
Item # 4215472
Description Unm arked Drawsheet
Size 54”x72”
Item # 1410436-USA* 1470436-USA176* 1417408-USA 1477408-USA176* 9711400
Description Unm arked SurgicalPilowcase VA PropertySurgicalPilowcase Unm arked SurgicalFlatSheet VA PropertySurgicalFlatSheet Coton AbsorbentTowel
Color M istyGreen M istyGreen M istyGreen M istyGreen M istyGreen
Size 66”x90” 66”x90” 70”x108” 70”x108” 18”x32”
Weight 3.0 lbs. 3.0 lbs. 3.75 lbs. 3.75 lbs. 2.8 oz.
GovSales @ | | 87 -727-3035
Item # 9340055 9340500176 9340500176-VA*
Description Unm arked Bath Towel Unm arked Bath Towel VA PropertyBath Towel Unm arked Bath Towel VA PropertyBath Towel Unm arked Bath Towel Unm arked Bath Towel Unm arked Bath Towel VA PropertyBath Towel Unm arked Bath Towel VA PropertyBath Towel VA PropertyBath Towel Unm arked Bath Blanket
Content 86%/14% Cot/Poly
Size 20”x40” 20”x40” 20”x40” 20”x40” 20”x40” 24”x48” 24”x48” 24”x48” 24”x48” 24”x48” 24”x48” 24”x48” 72”x90”
Weight 5.5 lbs. 5.5 lbs. 5.5 lbs. 5.5 lbs. 5.5 lbs. 8.0 lbs. 8.0 lbs. 8.0 lbs. 8.0 lbs. 8.0 lbs. 8.0 lbs. 8.0 lbs. 2.0 lbs
100% Coton 100% Coton
9350500176 9370055176* 9340025
86%/14% Cot/Poly 86%/14% Cot/Poly 86%/14% Cot/Poly 86%/14% Cot/Poly
9340105176 9340800176 9340800176-VA 9350800176* 9350800176-VA* 9370800176* 2241195
100% Coton 100% Coton
86%/14% Cot/Poly 86%/14% Cot/Poly 86%/14% Cot/Poly 80%/20% Cot/Poly
* Denotesitem scurentlyonVA-M SPV
W ashcloths
Item # 9140001176-VA* 9140075176* 9140075176-VA* 9150075176* 9150075176-VA* 9140001176* 9140016
Description 12”Coton W ashcloth 12”Coton W ashcloth 12”Coton W ashcloth 12”Blended W ashcloth 12”Blended W ashcloth 12”Coton W ashcloth 12”Blended W ashcloth
Weight 1.0 lbs. 0.75 lbs. 0.75 lbs. 0.75 lbs. 0.75 lbs. 1.0 lbs. 1.0 lbs.
M icrofiber
Item # 9281116-BLUE 9281116-G REEN 9280700-BLUE Additionalm icrofiberproductsavailable Description M icrofiberCloths M icrofiberCloths M icrofiberM op
Content 80% Polyester/20% Polyamide 80% Polyester/20% Polyamide 80% Polyester/20% Polyamide
Color Blue Green Blue
Size 16”x16” 16”x16” 18”
Weight 300 GSM 300 GSM 300 GSM
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PatientAp arel
IV Gown w/Telem etryPocket Unm arked Item #:0168115* VA Stam ped Item #:0168115-VA
IV Gown w/Telem etryPocket Unm arked Item #:0168119 VA Stam ped Item #:0168119-VA
Length:50” Sweep:68” Insleeve:8” M etalSnaps Teal/Blue Print
Length:50” Sw eep:68" Insleeve:8” Plastic Snaps Blue/G rayPrint
PatientGown w/Telem etryPocket Unm arked Item #:0168117* VA Stam ped Item #:0168117-VA
3XLIV Gown w/Telem etryPocket Unm arked Item #:0168125 VA Stam ped Item #:0168125-VA
Length:50” Sweep:68” Insleeve:8” M auve/BurgundyPrint
Length:51” Sweep:76” Insleeve:8” M etalSnaps Tan/Brown Print *NotShown
W om en’sExam Robe Unm arked Item #:0168300 VA Stam ped Item #:0168300-VA Length:48” Sw eep:79" Insleeve:8” Plastic Snaps PinkPrinton Pink M other’sIV Gown Unm arked Item #:0168128 VA Stam ped Item #:0168128-VA Nursing Acces LavenderPrint 5XLM other’sIV Gown Unm arked Item #:0168158 VA Stam ped Item #:0168158-VA Length:48” Sw eep:72" Insleeve:8”
Length:52” Sw eep:87" Insleeve:8” Nursing Acces LavenderPrint
PuloverInfantShirt Item #:0510060550 Size:3M onths
ShortSleeve PiloverStyle White
Side Snap InfantShirt Item #:0510007 Size:3M onths ShortSleeve Side Snap White
5XLIV Gown w/Telem etryPocket Unm arked Item #:0168135 VA Stam ped Item #:0168135-VA
Length:52” Sw eep:87" Insleeve:8” M etalSnaps O live/Tan Print
GovSales @ | | 87 -727-3035
Item # Face Barier Pkg. 5110022 Econom y Tan Vintex 2/dz
Item # Face Barier Pkg. 5160085 Pebble Beach Plus Tan Vinyl 2/dz Bonded Twil
Item # Face Barier Pkg. 5110008 Brushed Tricot PinkVintex 2/dz 5160020 Brushed Polyester W oven Vinyl 2/dz
Item # Face Barier Pkg. 5160014 Brushed Polyester Tan Vintex 2/dz 5160016 Poly/Coton Ibex Tan Vintex 2/dz 5160017 Coton Birdseye Tan Vintex 2/dz 5160018 Poly/Coton Twil Tan Vintex 2/dz
Im perviousbagscom bine fluid-proofvinylfabric with radio frequencyheatsealed seam sto oferthe m axim um leveloffluid protection.M ildew resistant,flam e retardant,and O SHA com pliant.
PolyesterBarierbagsare m ade from 100% Polyesterand are a greatoption fortransporting soiled linen. M ade with a waterreplantcoating,these bagsresistfluidsand bacterialpeneration.
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ShopourwideselectionofScrubsand LabCoatsonourwebsite.
W hetherbuilding a scrub program fora m ulti-faciltycom m unityora color-coded program foreach departm entatyourhospitalorcare center-PhoenixTextile hasyou covered with the quality,com fort, styling,and sizesto supportyourentire team . W e m ake iteasy to setup a colordiscipline program in yourfacilty with today’stop scrub brands, em broideryand kaum ographing,custom webpages,fiting events,and program support. Profes ionalappearance withoutsacrificing quality orstyle.
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