HLSG Microfiber Launch
Starting a microfiber program with one Scrubber Pad designed for universal use on all surfaces is essential. With an eye on ROI, we suggest two Wet Mop Pad options. The Superior Wet Mop Pad is the most durable microfiber pad applicable to most facilities with RFID chipped pads remaining in the rental pool for more than a year. The Lightweight Wet Mop Pad is an alternative designed for smaller square footage rooms and predominantly for improved ROI for those facilities that notoriously loose products. Currently, two String Mop weights account for almost 95% of that product category which is why we recommend both the 18 OZ and 22 OZ Microfiber String Mop for an easy transition using their existing weight.
PHASE ONE – Launch immediately with current stock inventory.
PHASE TWO – Create HLSG proprietary Wet Mop Pad with HLSG private label. Internal RFID chipping option in the mop during production.
*What to know: Cut any microfiber pad in half to view the inner core. Our inner core is microfiber, not foam. Be aware that a foam interior core deteriorates with heat, is not as durable and presents the potential of foam inside laundry equipment.
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