HLSG Microfiber Launch
Ownership of a microfiber company and the insights of dealing with the competition and customers from the manufacturer perspective.
As a WBENC company and already vetted as an approved GPO Diversity Supplier by all Acute Care GPOs, we can leverage that exposure and experience with IDNs.
Immediate launch ability using existing stock inventory.
Smooth transition into PHASE 2 with proactive strategies for private label, proprietary and RFID opportunities. Including HLSG goals for a web site landing page development, direct sale products and additional vertical markets development.
As owners of ACA, Phoenix Textile now has a direct mill relationship to a representative living in China providing HLSG the security of consistent supply and improved ROI.
*What to know: HLSG can be proactive in addressing their customers DEI goals and Tier 2 Diversity Spend.
Celebrating 40 Years of Commitment
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